The $cfg’TempDir’ is not accessible. phpMyAdmin is not able to cache templates and will be slow because of this.
This message pops up if there is no directory called ‘tmp’ inside the location where phpmyadmin is installed (or if it has the wrong permissions). To fix this, do the following:
Create the directory ‘tmp’ inside the location where phpmyadmin is installed.
Give it the proper permissions so that the Apache user has access.
Below are the commands to use to correct the permissions:
Note: change “/var/www/html” to the directory where you want WordPress installed. Also, change “www-data:www-data” to the correct user:group for your flavor of Apache.
Go to your new location and run through the steps to set up WordPress (if you need to set up a database, instructions can be found here). After installation, you can run the following 2 commands to harden your install:
Occasionally while editing a site, I’ll get a blank screen or even an error message. The latest version of WordPress has made some nice upgrades to show a formatted error message, like this:
Along with this message, an email with more details will be sent out describing the error.
An additional step I’ve taken to diagnose errors is to turn on debug logging for my WordPress install. You’ll need to be familiar with FTP and your WordPress install location to do this part.
The file I have highlighted in the screenshot above is called “wp-config.php”. We’re going to add a few lines of code to this file so that WordPress will start logging errors.
Open the file “wp-config.php” and look for this line:
Now, reload your site, wait for the error screen to show, and WordPress will now have logged an error in a file. You’ll find this file in the wp-content directory.
Open the file debug.log and you’ll see details on what error is being received and which file has caused it.
In my experience, the issue has been with a plugin. We’re going to focus on that issue for this next section. If you are experiencing a separate issue, please feel free to contact me.
How to Troubleshoot a Plugin Error
Most of the time, a plugin causes the error. An easy way to fix this is to rename the directory where the plugin is located and reload your site. In this example, I’ll be renaming the Jetpack plugin.
Now, go to your site and login.
As long as your site is loading, you can consider this solved. You can go back to your plugins directory and delete “jetpack-old” without causing further problems. If you still need Jetpack, simply go through the process necessary to reinstall it.
Thanks for reading! If you have any further issues, please feel free to comment below. I’d be more than happy to expand on this article.
Setting up your own WordPress installation can be fun and easy, and you can even set it up on your own home computer! When doing so, there are sometimes some very strange errors or screens you’ll start to see that you didn’t see before… for instance, you’ll be asked for FTP information when uploading a plugin or theme, or when you update your version of WordPress. You also may experience strange URL errors or problems browsing to certain areas. Included in this post is information and general suggestions on setting up your own web hosting on your OS X machine.
Apple’s operating system uses the user “_www” when it comes to web pages. That means if you aren’t that user, the web page you’re visiting will ask you to verify that you have permission to do what you’re trying to do. The easiest way to get around this problem is to perform the following commands from Terminal. The commands below assume that you have your web site set up at /Library/WebServer/Documents/ folder. If you don’t, just change that information in the commands below to match your setup.
Note: if you have OS X Server installed, your web site location will most likely be /Library/Server/Web/Data/Sites.
You’ll be asked to supply your password the first time you use “sudo”, so don’t be alarmed. After you perform these actions, your site should be error-free. 🙂
Additionally, you’ll want to make sure your files and directories have the correct permissions. For WordPress, you can run the following two commands to complete this:
sudo find /Library/WebServer/Documents -type d -exec chmod 755 {} \;
sudo find /Library/WebServer/Documents -type f -exec chmod 644 {} \;
If you have questions, feel free to post them here.
Add this code to your wp-config.php file when installing a self-contained WordPress install on this site. This will ensure that the themes and plugins directories pull from the main wp-content directory on this server. The additional code will ensure that the uploads are left within the individual site install.
There are unfinished transactions remaining. You might consider running yum-complete-transaction, or “yum-complete-transaction –cleanup-only” and “yum history redo last”, first to finish them. If those don’t work you’ll have to try removing/installing packages by hand (maybe package-cleanup can help).
Start by running:
Hopefully you get this message: Cleaning up completed transaction file
If you have no errors, go ahead and run:
sudo yum clean all && sudo rm -rf /var/cache/yum
Run the following commands to bring the server and its extensions up-to-date:
Below is the code added to to back up all the files in the /var/www/marketing/ directory,. It is set to run every day at 1am and saves a zip file with the current date into the /backup directory:
* 1 * * * cd /backup && zip -r "$(date +"%Y%m%d")" /var/www/marketing/
This command has been added using crontab -e (vim commands needed here).
After making changes, be sure to run this to restart cron:
service crond restart
The command below can show you what jobs are currently running: