
👋 Hello! Welcome to my corner of the web. I’m a seasoned web developer based out of Louisville, Kentucky, with a knack for transforming ideas into digital reality.

I stumbled into coding way back in 1999 while exploring different roles after leaving teaching. I found myself working as a secretary at an IT data center, and It was there that my boss requested I build a website for our office. I visited Barnes & Noble, bought an O’Reilly PHP book, and I’ve been hooked on coding, designing, and troubleshooting websites ever since. Since then, I’ve honed my skills in PHP, jQuery, MySQL, and more, specializing in WordPress development. From custom plugins to bespoke themes, I thrive on the challenge of building tailored solutions that exceed client expectations.

My server expertise extends to crafting WordPress-friendly environments on Linux (Ubuntu and CentOS), leveraging technologies like Apache, MySQL, and PHP. I’m no stranger to configuring essential modules and extensions, ensuring seamless performance and security for every project.

What sets me apart is my commitment to understanding and translating client visions into tangible online assets. I believe in empowering clients with user-friendly websites that they can manage independently, thanks to the flexibility and ease of customization offered by WordPress.

If you’re seeking a web developer who can breathe life into your digital aspirations, look no further. Let’s collaborate to turn your ideas into captivating online experiences that leave a lasting impression.

Short CV

  • LAMP stack developer with strong PHP/MySQL background
  • Experienced WordPress developer, creating from-scratch themes and plugins
  • Other coding strengths: jQuery, JavaScript, LESS/SASS compiling, CSS, SEO, Google Analytics integration, API integration
  • Comfortable working with: Adobe Creative Suite, GitHub, and Bitbucket
  • Comfortable integrating social media platforms into existing sites and preparing content for use on social media

👩‍💻 web developer
🎶 clarinetist
🛸 sci-fi nerd
🎮 gamer
💖 WordPress junkie
📱 Apple enthusiast
🥾 hiker
🕯️ eclectic

About This Site

I’m only now finally getting my thoughts organized into something cohesive, and while that means I’m starting to organize my site, it also means it’s not where I want it to be, at least not yet. So, I hope you’ll come back often and see what’s new here. I also hope you’ll say ‘hi’ or send a message to let me know what you think or just to say how things are going.